Quality Policy and Environment

As its main objective, Alusigma S.A. has established providing its customers with products and services that could meet their current, and mutually agreed, requirements; including those regulations that may be applicable; both in terms of quality of its products, the environmental protection and the safety of its employees.
All actions carried out in Alusigma S.A. are done in order to:
- Control that it responds, always, the demands and expectations of its customers.
- Ensure that it provides adequate means for all staff members, including management positions, so that they can identify and freely remove obstacles to improve the quality of their products.
- Achieve continuous improvement in its quality and environmental management systems, and in the safety of its employees.
- Work at all times within the strictest professional ethics, respecting the applicable legal regulations to all its activities. In addition, also to create a suitable working environment that allows the professional development of all of its workers.
- Maintain an integrated management system according to ISO 9001 and ISO 14001 standards, and integrate into this system the standard ISO-TS 16949 (specific for automotive suppliers).
- Control the consumption of natural resources and the generation of wastes, either from its activity or those indirectly generated by its subcontractors; in order to prevent contamination and pollution.