- Recovery of waste from the ceramic and metallurgical sector as intermediate materials for the manufacture of refractories. CDTI 2022 project.
EGYPT & Spain Innovating Program Programme (EGS).
- Patent option, Revaluation procedure for a residue from the grinding of aluminum slag, and laboratory studies for the synthesis of zeolites from Alusigma´s salt slag (2020-2022). It is a collaboration between CENIM-CSIC and Alusigma for the development of research on the revaluation of slag and saline residues.
- Test for the discharge of salt slag from Alusigma and gypsum agglomerates from the desulphurization of the Aboño coal-fired power plant in a non-hazardous landfill. (Alusigma, Ferrosadim, FCC Ámbito) (2018)
- ESCORAL Project: Studies for the inerting of salt slag (2017) IDONIAL, Alusigma
The project achieved a grant funding to r&d projects IDEPA 2016
IDEPA is the Institute for Economic Development of the Principality of Asturias
- Study to replace the postcombustor with a filter with zeolite adsorbents (2015)
Alusigma's proposal consists of replacing the existing post-combustor in its facilities by injecting in its gas purification system an adsorbent compound that allows compliance with the limit values prescribed by law. The mixture of zeolites and lime hydroxide has proven to be very effective in the adsorption of dioxins and furans as well as in the neutralization of the acid gases.
The levels of contaminants for both solutions were studied and the best environmental performance of the additive compared to the post-combustor was verified, specially taking in consideration that generation of dioxins and furans can occur during the cooling of the gases already treated in the post-combustor (Novo synthesis)
Plant safety improvements were stated, as well as significant savings in fuel and energy.
- Salt slag inerting studies (2012)
The company carried out internal studies regarding the possibilities of inerting its salt slag waste by different methods to avoid the possible leaching of salt compounds. Different trials were carried out in this line of research for its possible re-use as a product or sending to an authorized landfill